Vineet Thakur and Karen Smith on western dominance in International Relations
University lecturer Vineet Thakur hosts a series of webcasts for the Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement. Karen Smith and Audrey Alejandro joined him to discuss western dominance in the field of International Relations.
The Global South Adda webcast series brings researchers together to talk about the broader issues of relevance to the scholarship that either comes out of the Global South or the scholarship that is done on the Global South within the discipline of International Relations.
In the webcast of 14 June, Thakur, Smith and Alejandro discussed whether the assumptions about western-dominance in IR are themselves euro-centric. Among a host of other things, the conversation focussed on the differences and commonalities of IR scholarship in South Africa, Brazil and India, and the ways in which European scholars ought to engage with non-western scholarship.
The webcast Is there Western Dominance in IR? with Vineet Thakur and Karen Smith is available on the YouTube channel of NIICE.