Leiden student associations urge students to socially distance
In a joint letter, the Leiden student associations have appeal to students to practise 1.5m distancing and to only meet others if they are fit and well. They urge them to observe the corona rules to prevent a local spike.
In an open letter, the 23 associations and the Local Chamber of Associations (PKvV) call on all students in Leiden to exercise caution, socially distance and refrain from meeting others if they are experiencing symptoms. ‘If we don’t follow the distancing and hygiene rules, an increase in infections in Leiden and the surrounding area will only be a matter of time. A local outbreak of the virus will once again mess up the teaching at the University or University of Applied Sciences and once again force your favourite bar or student association to close. Let’s work together to avoid this. At a distance of 1.5m we can still study together, at a distance of 1.5m we can still meet up in town and at a distance of 1.5m Leiden student life is still most definitely worth its while.’
The letter was prompted by recent developments in Rotterdam, where several students contracted coronavirus after a party. The associations once again highlight the risks: ‘Such a hotspot (as in Rotterdam, ed.) may not feel dangerous to you, but it is for your parents, your grandparents and the vulnerable people around you.’
Read the full letter (in Dutch)
The letter was signed by the chairs of ALSV Quintus, LSV Minerva, SSR Leiden, VSL Catena, LVVS Augustinus, KSRV Njord, ALSRV Asopos de Vliet, ALSZV de Blauwe Schuit, ELSZWV Aquamania, ALSKV Levitas, Leidse Studenten Duikvereniging, SWV Plankenkoorts, NSL Leiden, ESV Ichthus, CSFR Panoplia, VGSL Franciscus Gomarus, AEGEE Leiden, SIB Leiden, SMG Sempre Crescendo, LSKO Collegium Musicium, ASV Prometheus, LSSV het Duivelsei, Dinsdag Avond Club and the PKvV.