World news: eleven asteroids on a collision course with Earth
The discovery that eleven asteroids might collide with our Earth has become world news. The research of three Leiden astronomers has appeared on more than 190 news sites worldwide, from America to China. They developed and trained an artificial neural network for this discovery.
The researchers named their neural network Hazardous Object Identifier, or HOI, which means hello in Dutch. HOI discovered eleven asteroids that, between the years 2131 and 2923, come closer than ten times the Earth-Moon distance and are larger than a hundred meters in diameter. The astronomers published their findings in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. In addition, first author John D. Hefele wrote a blog post for Nature: Identifying Earth-impacting asteroids using an artificial neural network.
Below you can find a selection of media that wrote about the Leiden discovery.
Media attention
- Daily Mail – Scientists spot ELEVEN asteroids that could hit Earth triggering 'unprecedented devastation' - but were 'MISSED by NASA software'
- Fox News – Artificial intelligence spotted 11 'potentially hazardous' asteroids that NASA missed
- Zaker (China) – 超级计算机预警:11 颗小行星未来可能撞击地球,被 NASA 遗漏
- India Today – Astromoners discover asteroids that can collide with Earth in future
- Mathrubhumi (India) – നിര്മിതബുദ്ധി പറയുന്നു; 11 ഛിന്നഗ്രഹങ്ങള് കൂടി ഭൂമിക്ക് ഭീഷണി!
- Warta Ekonomi Top! (Indonesia) – Peneliti Belanda Gunakan Artificial Intelligence buat Amati Luar Angkasa dan Asteroid
- Zing News (Vietnam) – AI tìm thấy 11 tiểu hành tinh có thể lao vào Trái Đất
- El Heraldo de México – 11 asteroides considerados no peligrosos por la NASA podrían impactar la Tierra
- Topky.sk (Slovakia) – Superpočítač objavil 11 asteroidov, ktoré môžu ohroziť Zem: Nevšimli si ich ani v NASA!
- Živě.cz (Czech Republic) – Neuronová síť objevila jedenáct asteroidů, které se mohou srazit se Zemí. NASA o nich nevěděla
- Phys.org – Astronomers discover potential near earth objects