'True populist Matteo Salvini makes clever use of social media'
Turbulent times in Italy: Deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini wants new elections so that he can become prime minister himself. He is campaigning on social media, including photos of himself posing in his swimming trunks.

Jorrit Rijpma, Associate Professor of European Law, spoke on this topic on Dutch late night talk show Jinek. 'Salvini is a true populist. He's great at using social media. Support for him has grown, partly because he is on a collision course with Europe and also because of his attitude towards immigrants: Italy for the Italians is his slogan. He knows how to respond to the public. Now he’s saying: give me power, then I’ll get you what you want.'
If new elections are necessary, then Rijpma believes Salvini is in with a good chance. 'The Italian people are faced with a political elite that’s not listening to them. Salvini acts as if he’s just a normal guy, and the Italians want change. It works.'