Saniye Çelik in BNR Spitsuur about the discussion on the independent reporting point with the police
On August 9, Saniye Çelik of the Centre for Professional Learning spoke in BNR Spitsuur about the discussion on the independent reporting point for the police.
NRC states the police unions do not like the idea of the independent reporting point of Chief of Police Akerboom. The independent reporting point should be a place where police officers can go to for reports on intimidation, discrimination. At this moment they can only go to internal persons and counters. They can report on undesirable behaviour. BNR asked Saniye Çelik what she thought of the police unions’ point of view.
Saniye Çelik ‘I understand the comments of the union. Especially when it is about how to make sure that police officers in the end feel confident to report something. What I do not understand is why the police organisation does not want an independent reporting point. The organisation is locked up now and that is why it is really necessary to have an independent reporting point outside the organisation. This shows that there is a clear breach of trust within the organisation. It could help to organize such an external reporting point’.
Listen to the fragment at BNR (from 1:32:00 on, in Dutch)