Broad media coverage for Kavli prize Ewine van Dishoeck
Ewine van Dishoeck was broadly covered in national and international media with her prestigious Kavli prize for astrophysics. She won 1 million dollars voor her groundbreaking work on star and planet formation and on extraterrestrial life.
‘Nobelprize of astronomy’
The Kavli prize is the most important prize in astrophysics and is called the ‘Nobelprize of astronomy’ by the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant. Therefore, Van Dishoeck appearing in more than 450 articles worldwide might not come as a total surprise. She will officially receive her prize in Norway on 4 September, from the hands of the Norwegian king Harald V of Norway.
Down below a small collection of articles about the Kavli prize of Van Dishoeck:
- U.S. News – Studies of Space, Hearing and DNA Attract $1 Million Awards
- Scientific American – Meet the Winners of the 2018 Kavli Prize
- Le Monde – Sciences : le prestigieux prix Kavli honore deux Françaises
- Nature – Million-dollar Kavli prize recognizes scientist scooped on CRISPR
- De Volkskrant – Leidse astronoom ontvangt ‘Nobelprijs voor sterrenkunde’ voor haar speurwerk naar leven in het heelal
- NU.nl – Leidse hoogleraar met belangrijk onderzoek wint 1 miljoen dollar
- NPO Radio 1 – https://www.nporadio1.nl/nieuws-en-co/onderwerpen/458066-leidse-hoogleraar-krijgt-een-van-allerhoogste-wetenschappelijke-prijzen-ter-wereld
- De Telegraaf – Leidse hoogleraar wint 1 miljoen in Noorwegen
- NEMO Kennislink – Ewine van Dishoeck wint Kavli-prijs voor astrofysica