Minister Kajsa Ollongren offers renewed training programme for council members at congress in Den Bosch
Minister Kajsa Ollongren has offered the new training programme for council members at the congress for council members in Den Bosch. The training program is compiled by the Centre for Professional Learning at Leiden University in The Hague, and is made available to all (new) council members by the Dutch Association for Council Members, the Association of Registrars, the VNG and the Ministry of the Interior.
Belangrijk onderdeel van het congres was de presentatie van het vernieuwde opleidingsprogramma voor raadsleden. In dit programma staan de belangrijkste need-to-know’s voor nieuwe raadsleden. Opleidingsprogramma is samengesteld door het Centre for Professional Learning van de Universiteit Leiden. Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties Kajsa Ollongren bood het eerste exemplaar van het opleidingsprogramma aan Paul Khoe aan, kandidaat-raadslid voor de PvdA in Purmerend.
Saturday 20 January, the national congress for council members took place in Den Bosch. Some 500 council members had the choice of following more than 30 workshops, and listened to what according to Pieter van den Hoogenband was the golden formula to make a success of a period of four years.
Training programme
Another important part of the congress was the presentation of the new training programme for council members. This programme contains the most important need-to-know's for new council members. The training programme is compiled by the Centre for Professional Learning at Leiden University in The Hague. Dutch Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Kajsa Ollongren offered the first copy of the training program to Paul Khoe, candidate councilor for the PvdA in Purmerend.
Interested in the education programme? Click this link for more information (in Dutch).