Experiences of a PhD: the influence of leadership on security.
After his retirement, security expert Victor Roggeveen became dual PhD at the Dual PhD Centre. He now translates the knowledge he gained as security expert and advisor into a PhD research. His research leads to a lot of attention from practice. The dynamics between research and professional practice is the main theme in the dual PhD programme throughout the university.
Victor’s subject ‘The influence of leadership on security crises’ draws a lot of attention. In a short interview in the alumni magazine Leidraad Victor talks about his experiences with the dual PhD research. Read the interview here on page 8 (in Dutch).
Working and obtaining a doctorate at the same time
Obtaining a doctorate while working? The Leiden University Dual PhD Centre enables this. The Centre focuses on external PhD candidates who devote part of their working time to scientific research on a theme from their professional practice. The Centre helps in developing a research plan, trains the candidate PhD and makes sure that his or her research fits within a scientific discipline, graduate school and promotor. In this way the Centre engages in finding the answers to questions of knowledge-intensive companies. A unique chance for PhD-candidate, employer and science.
Register now!
Leiden University calls on employers and professionals from the public and private field to submit proposals for a dual PhD-track. A new version of the pre-PhD training programme will start in September. Those interested may contact dualphd@fgga.leidenuniv.nl. The model research proposal model research proposal may be used to develop a research idea. The Dual PhD Centre helps professionals to turn these ideas into an acceptable dissertation proposal.
Fund available for dual PhDs
Professionals from businesses now have a chance to get a starting grant consisting of the compensation of participation costs. This is enabled by the Foundation for Regional Knowledge Development.