Wim Willems and Hanneke Verbeek are the winners of the Die Haghe prize of 2016
Wim Willems and Hanneke Verbeek were awarded with the Die Haghe Prize of 2016 for their book ‘Hier woonden wij. Hoe een stad zijn Joodse verleden herontdekt’ (English: ‘This is where we lived. How a city re-discovers its Jewish past.’) It is an exciting book about the rise and fall of the Jewish community in Scheveningen.
The historical association Die Haghe awards the Die Haghe Prize to an original book or thesis about the Hague every two years. An independent jury, consisting of municipal archivist drs. M.C. Schenk (chair), prof.dr. J.H. Furnée and mw. H.S. van Aartsen-Warsen, have judged all nominations. Sir Henk Grootveld, of the Friends of the Hague Historical Museum, awarded the prize.
The book was described by the jury as the most original and most beautiful book about the history of the Hague written in the last two years.
The prize consists of a sum of money of 3000 euros.
[Photo: Herman Rosenberg]