Zsuzsa Bakk winner of PhD Dissertation Award
Zsuzsa Bakk has been selected as the winner of the 2016 Distinguished Dissertation Award of the Classification Society for her thesis entitled 'Contributions to Bias Adjusted Stepwise Latent Class Modeling'.
Invitation for presentation
Each year, the Classification Society offers a Distinguished Dissertation Award for an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation on the theme of clustering, classification, or related areas of data analysis, encompassing associated theory and/or applications. The 2016 Award totals US$500 in book vouchers from Chapman and Hall/CRC and the winner is invited to make a presentation in a special session at the 2016 Classification Society Annual Meeting, which will be held at the University of Missouri from June 1-4.
Classification Society
The Classification Society is a nonprofit interdisciplinary and international organization whose purposes are to promote the scientific study of classification and clustering (including systematic methods of creating classifications from data), and to disseminate scientific and educational information related to its fields of interests.
The Classification Society is a member of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS), a federation where also the Dutch/Flemish classification soeciety, the VOC is a member of.