Nelleke Koffeman in BNR Nieuwsradio show on European Democratic Governance Pact
On Tuesday 19 January 2016, dr. Nelleke Koffeman LL.M, assistant professor at the Europa Instituut of Leiden Law School, appeared as a guest on the radio show ‘Juridische Zaken’ (‘Legal Affairs’) for the Dutch national radio channel BNR Nieuwsradio to discuss the proposal by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the European Parliament (ALDE) for a European Democratic Governance Pact.

Sophie in ‘t Veld, a Member of the European Parliament for the Dutch Political Party D66, presented the proposal which, inter alia, seeks to annually monitor the EU Member States’ observance of the rule of law and fundamental rights. Koffeman discussed how this plan fits in with existing instruments for the supervision of the observance of fundamental rights within the European Union and to what extent the proposed plan requires an amendment of European law.
The podcast of the radio show is available here (from 2.10 minutes onwards).
European Democratic Governance Pact