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Warm Sweater Day: join in and win!

Friday 5 February is Warm Sweater Day, a national initiative that encourages us to be aware of the simple measures we can take to save energy. The quickest win – certainly now we are all studying and working at home – is to turn the thermostat down a couple of degree. Take a selfie and share it on Instagram with #warmsweaterdayLU. You’ll then have the chance of winning a great prize from Leiden University Green Office (LUGO). Show us that you are keeping yourself warm, not warming up the planet!

Tips for home
You can do more at home than putting on a warm sweater. Did you know that you can save energy by cooking with pan lids on? And how about having a thermos flask on your desk? The university attaches great importance to sustainability and is taking a variety of measures to save energy. Did you know that the university is a signatory of the government’s ‘Multiannual agreements on energy efficiency’? And that in 2021 we will create the largest solar roof in Leiden on the newly-built parking garage at the BioScience park? You can find more examples of the steps the university is taking, as well as tips on what you can do, on the LUGO website.

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