Online Event: Sustainable Travel
After the successful event about climate change in general last month, we continue with a new online event. We are excited to announce that the subject will be: Sustainable Travel! ⛵️⠀
In which ways can we travel more sustainable? To make this subject more tangible, guest speakers will explain how they got to their enhance destination without flying. How did they do this? Tune in at our event! There will be enough room to ask them questions and receive some tips to implement in your own life.⠀
The event will take place on Kaltura, 25th of November from 19:30 - 20:30. ⠀
19:30 - Welcome and introduction ⠀
19:40 - Talk by guest speakers Max and Martine about how they got to their exchange destination Kuala Lumpur without flying ⠀
20:00 - Q&A with the speakers⠀
20:20 - Tips for sustainable travelling and closing ⠀
Sign-up via this link: https://leidenuniv.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_08UE9Fdqr8E1OZL
We hope to see you on the 25th on November!