Beyond the Safe Space: Spring Podcast Competition 2023
The Leiden University Green Office is pleased to announce its Spring Podcast competition -- Beyond the Safe Space -- on the theme: the Planetary Boundaries.

The planetary boundaries concept defines the environmental limits within which humanity can safely operate, that is, the Earth System processes that set safe boundaries for human activities.
They were introduced inn 2009 by Johan Rockström, who led a group of 28 internationally renowned scientists to identify the nine processes that regulate the stability and resilience of the Earth system.
Of the original nine proposed boundaries, as of April 2022, we have crossed six. NOT GOOD NEWS. Crossing these boundaries increases the risk of generating large-scale abrupt or irreversible environmental changes.
LUGO sees the relevance in providing a space to voice thoughts and concerns on the Planetary Boundaries in its students and staff. This Spring, we invite you to participate in 'Beyond the Safe Space: A Podcast Competition on the Planetary Boundaries' to do so. What could life look like beyond our safe space, and what do we stand to lose? This competition takes place in two rounds. More information below.
Information to keep in mind
- Theme: the Planetary Boundaries.
- Submissions open: March 1st.
- Deadlines
- Round 1: March 27th.
- First selection and assigning of boundaries: April 1st.
- Round 2: May 1st.
- Required for Round 1: Fill out Application Form. (Language: English).
- Students, alumni, and members of staff affiliated to Leiden University are eligible to submit to the competition.
- Submit your work to Please include "Spring Podcast Competition Submission” in the subject line and include your name, Leiden University degree, filled out Application Form, and any relevant details in the body of your email.
- Prize: modular wireless headphones, worth 179 euros. Submissions that make it to round 2 will be highlighted at a symposium on the 9th of May as part of Sustainability Day 2023: The Planetary Boundaries (Academy Building in Leiden). These will also be published on the LUGO Spotify account, and our website (including the LUGO Press). The winning submission will be further highlighted.
- Save the date (9 MAY, 17.30). Sustainability Day 2023: The Planetary Boundaries, for the Award Ceremony.
Judging Criteria
Round 1
- Content of submitted Application Form.
- Relevance to the theme: Planetary Boundaries.
- Nuance in the discourse: Planetary Boundaries.
- Originality / Creative interpretation of theme.
- Originality / Creative interpretation of format.
Round 2
- Relevance to the assigned planetary boundary.
- Nuance in the discourse (of the assigned planetary boundary).
- Originality / Creative interpretation (of the assigned planetary boundary).
- Originality / Creative interpretation of format.
- Quality of science communication.
- Final Output.
Interested but don’t know where to start? Why not visit us during our bi-monthly Open Office & SwapShop hours. Ask for Natalie or Laura.
For more information, or if you have further questions, you can also feel free to contact: