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Event: Unpacking the Problem of Packaging

  • Dr. Ir. Bjorn de Koeijer
  • Nicolas Navarre
  • Caitlin Ouwehand
Thursday 9 December 2021

Product packaging is essential. It prolongs shelf-live and highly influences purchasing decisions. However, it’s also a big source of waste, especially single-use plastic. Have you ever felt conflicted choosing a product due to the material it’s packaged in? Or opted for a different product due to its packaging design? Would you like to learn more about the many material and recyclability related logos shown on packaging? Good news, on December 9, 2021 from 18:30-20:00 LUGO will be organising a panel discussion ‘Unpacking the Problem of Packaging’ led by packaging experts! Together, we’ll learn more about packaging materials, recyclability and design, and leave with practical tips on how to be more mindful about our packaging choices in the future. Due to the COVID-19 situation, this event will be held online via Zoom.

Interested? Sign up for the event via the link! We look forward to seeing you there!

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