Earth Day Event: Universal Income & Sustainability
- Philippe van Parijs
- Date
- Thursday 22 April 2021
- Time
- Address
- Zoom

Latest since Rutger Bregman’s “Utopia for Realists”, Universal Basic Income (UBI) has caught public attention again as a possible solution for many societal issues. However, as many enthusiasts support the concept, as many critical voices point out possible problems regarding the actual implementation of UBI. We wonder: how realistic is UBI as an option to create a more sustainable society?
To get an answer to this question, experts (such as Philippe van Parijs) from different fields will present and discuss their standpoints regarding UBI and sustainability. Topics such as economy, climate politics, sustainability, justice, as well as social and political sciences will be addressed.
This event is organized in collaboration with the Green Office from the Bucerius Law School.
Sign-up via the link below!