FoodCitizens? representative at Corps Diplomatique dinner
The Dutch Royal Couple received 70 scientists at the yearly gala for the Diplomatic Corps at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam on 14 June 2023.
The dinner takes place annually to maintain and strengthen international relations and to connect Dutch and foreign representatives on chosen topics. This year's theme was science. In addition to the approximately one hundred and forty foreign representatives in the Netherlands and Brussels, some seventy representatives from science in the Netherlands were also invited, including Food Citizens’ principal investigator Cristina Grasseni. His Majesty the King gave a short speech during dinner.
Previous receptions hosted themes such as public administration, art and culture, international law and international business. Social scientist are used to conduct their work with modesty. To be invited in view of the potential interest of their investigations to diplomats and policy-makers is an important recognition and an opportunity for further developments.