Forum Antiquum Lectures Series Spring 2023
Every semester, the Classics department of Leiden University organizes a series of lectures (the Forum Antiquum). The lectures are held every other week on Thursdays at 15:30. We invite both Dutch and international speakers and well-known experts and promising young researchers to speak about a topic of their choice. The lectures are open to everybody interested; registration is not required. Forum Antiquum is made possible by Prof. Ineke Sluiter’s Spinoza Prize.

The lectures are open to everybody interested; registration is not required. Forum Antiquum is made possible by Prof. Ineke Sluiter’s Spinoza Prize.
For more information about Forum Antiquum, please contact Hylke de Boer.
Abstracts of the lectures and information about the speakers will follow.
We start at 15:30.
23 February Lipsius 148
Hugo Koning en Bert van den Berg: "De mythen van Plato als denkinstrumenten"
23 March Lipsius 123
Giovanni Margiotta (Radboud Universteit Nijmegen): "Tempori serviendum est: Cicero’s public voice under the dictatorship of Julius Caesar"
6 April Lipsius 123
Jacqueline Klooster (Universiteit Groningen) with Farida Batenburg and Vita Westra
20 April Lipsius 123
João Carlos Santos and João Luís Velaso Paixão UUniversiteit Leiden)
4 May Lipsius 123
Meike Rühl (Universität Osnabrück)
11 May Lipsius 123
Chloe Balla (University of Crete): "The proper time for marriage. Plato vs. Xenophon on law and persuasion"