Universiteit Leiden

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Movie Time - Feel the HAS vibe! Health, Ageing & Society

Study information

Movie Time - Feel the HAS vibe!

Thursday 9 January 2025
LUMC Hoofdgebouw
Albinusdreef 2
Collegezaal 1

About Movie Time

On Thursday 9 January 2025 you can join the movie time activity at the LUMC, to watch the documentary ‘My Generation’. The documentary shows two years in the life of older people in a choir, preparing for a concert at the ‘Zwarte Cross’. The documentary intends to eliminate prejudices about older people and shows that having fun and learning is possible at any age. The movie is in Dutch with English subtitles. You will watch the documentary together with students of the master HAS, LUMC professionals involved in the master HAS programme and members from the Older People Advisory Board. The documentary maker will also be present at the event.

Free popcorn and drinks after the movie!

Movie Time is organised by two students of the master Health, Ageing and Society as part of their Individual Learning Plan (ILP). The ILP forms part of the educational line Academic Development in which students formulate and fulfill a personally chosen learning objective. The movie on the 9th of January is the first in a line of three.

Register now for Movie Time!

To make you feel the HAS-vibe, you will be welcomed by our student ambassador.

Register for Movie Time!

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