Universiteit Leiden

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Join the On Campus Master's Experience Experience our Humanities programmes!

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On Campus Master’s Experience Day: Faculty of Humanities

Friday 17 March 2023

Do you want to pursue a master's programme at the Faculty of Humanities or perhaps you are still in doubt? Then join us during the Master's Experience Day on 17 March 2023 in the Lipsius building in Leiden.

Our MA programmes offer different activities that you can join:

  • Experience an (interactive) Try-Out Lecture and get a feeling for the programme and the teaching style of your future lecturers.
  • During Q&A sessions you can ask all your questions to current and former students, teachers and study advisors.
  • Come to our information market with current students from 14:00-17:00, where you can ask them all about their experiences with their studies.

Please find below the time schedule and more details about each programme's activity.

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Here you can find the schedule with the programmes' activities in alphabetical order.

Programme Activity Time
African Studies Q&A session 13:00-14:00
Arts, Literature and Media (Research MA) Q&A session 13:00-14:00
Book and Digital Media Studies Try-out lecture 11:00-12:00
Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence Try-out lecture 16:30-17:30
Classics and Ancient Civilizations Join a lecture with current students 09:00-11:00
Colonial and Global History Try-out lecture 15:00-16:00
Cultural Analysis and Literary Theory Try-out lecture 11:00-12:00
Europe 1000-1800 Try-out lecture 12:00-13:00
Film and Photographic Studies Try-out lecture 10:00-11:00
International Relations Q&A with the coordinator of studies and the student ambassador 13:00-14:00
Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media Q&A sessie 14:00-15:00
Linguistics (MA) Q&A session 12:00-13:00
Linguistics (Research MA) Q&A session 11:00-12:00
Linguistics: Modern Languages Q&A session 13:00-14:00
Literary Studies: English Literature and Culture Q&A session 14:00-15:00
Literary Studies: French, German, and Italian Literature and Culture Q&A session 12:00-13:00
Literary Studies: Literature in Society. Europe and Beyond Q&A session 11:00-12:00
Middle Eastern Studies Join a lecture alongside current students 11:15-13:00
Neerlandistiek Proefcollege 15:00-16:00
North American Studies Try-out lecture 14:00-15:00
Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789-Present Q&A session 14:00-15:00
Philosophy Q&A session 10:00-11:00
Religious Studies Q&A session 09:00-10:00
Translation Try-out lecture 15:00-16:00
Tweejarige Educatieve Master + Lerarenopleiding Proefcollege 14:00-15:00

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