Universiteit Leiden

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Sustainability Challenge Presentations

Debate | Student Course Presentations

Sustainability Challenge Course - Student Presentations - Industrial Ecology MSc

Friday 20 January 2023
Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden
To be announced in the confirmation email.

Join our current students for a day in Leiden!
Either on January 19, 12:45-15:30 or January 20, 09:30-12:30.

The study advisors will welcome you on campus and our students will present their findings of their second year course ''Sustainability Challenge''.

In this course our students worked in teams on a real-world industrial ecology problem by applying and combining knowledge acquired during the first year, and while being connected to real external stakeholders.

You are more than welcome to join the audience and get an insight in their projects and recommendations to their external commissioners.

Of course you will also have plenty of time to ask questions to the studyadvisors and to check out your potential future faculty building. 

If you don't live in Leiden, you can also connect this event with a nice weekend in this beautiful and historic student city!


For all study-related questions or questions about this event please email our studyadvisors Paula and Marleen via studyadvisor-ie@cml.leidenuniv.nl.

P.S. Check out IESSA Shift's activities on Instagram to get a glimpse of the student community that awaits you!

Sign up now for the student course presentations!

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