Study information
Student for a Day Public Administration: International and European Governance (IE&G)
- Date
- Tuesday 7 May 2019
- Time
- Location
Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague - Room
- Auditorium, 2.02
Join a Public Administration lecture
Curious to know what it is like to study Public Administration: International and European Governance (I&EG)? Join us during the Student for a Day - event and get acquainted with the specialisation International & European Governance of Public Administration. During afternoon you will follow a lecture from the course: Public Policy and Values. The student ambassador, Piotr Rygielski, will join you during this afternoon; you can ask all your questions about the programme to the student ambassador and our academic staff members.
Public Policy and Values
Policy-makers respond to societal problems and decide on their solutions during the various stages of the policy cycle. At times, however, problems and their solutions disappear from the policy cycle or policy-makers avoid clear decisions. Policies may be successful, but often expected outcomes are not achieved. Assessments of possible solutions to a problem may appear too optimistic, political intentions may clash, or sudden events may make other problems seem more urgent. In this course, we analyse how different International and European problems are dealt with by the government of a country based on the issues, the different schools of thoughts and the public perception allowing a specific solution to come to the forefront.
Questions on the Student for a Day - event, on the Public Administration Master- programme or the difference between the specialisations International and European Governance (I&EG), Economics and Governance (E&G) and Public Management and Leadership (PM&L)?
Please contact the student ambassador: Piotr Rygielski.