Universiteit Leiden

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Conference | Summer School

HiSoN Summer School 2025

Sunday 20 July 2025 - Sunday 27 July 2025
Lesbos, Greece

General information

The summer schools organised by the Historical Sociolinguistics Network (HiSoN) offer classes by leading experts on modern and historical sociolinguists. There is space for only 40 graduate students and young (at heart!) researchers so you are advised to book early.

Dates: 20 July - 27 July 2025

Location: Metochi study centre on the island of Lesbos, Greece.

The summer school lasts for one week with arrival on Sunday 20 July, classes from Monday to Saturday, and departure on Sunday 27 July in the morning. During the week, there will also be an excursion. You will have the opportunity to present your own research at a special session.


Teachers Topic
Lenore Grenoble (Chicago) Reconstructing sociolinguistic variation in contact settings: Slavic from east to west
Penelope Gardner-Chloros (Birkbeck) You say code-switching, I say Translanguaging - let’s call the whole thing off
Ernst Håkon Jahr (Agder) Language planning as a sociolinguistic experiment: can the Norwegian case serve as a model for an independent Ukraine?
Peter Bakker (Aarhus) Historical sources of creole languages and their sociolinguistic implications
Andreas Krogull (Zürich) Crossing borders and boundaries: Multilingual repertoires and practices in historical sociolinguistics
Anna Havinga (Bristol) Societal multilingualism and vernacularisation: Transitioning from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern period
Stephan Elspass (Salzburg) Standardisation histories in a view 'from above' and 'from below'



Registration includes housing, meals (breakfast, lunch dinner), tuition, the excursion, and the transfers from Mytilene airport (Lesbos) to Metochi and back. The fee for participation is € 750, after the 1st of May, the fee will be €800.

Since there is only room for 40 participants, applications will be treated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, taking also into account research interests.

Follow the link to get to the registration form.

Venue and travel information

The venue is the University of Agder's Metochi study centrea former monastery on the Greek island of Lesbos. 

By plane, it’s only a 30-40 minute trip from Athens or Thessaloniki either with Aegean or Olympic airlines. There are also charter flights from various cities in Europe.



  • Gijsbert Rutten
  • Manuel Padilla-Moyano

More information (course abstracts and readings) will follow soon. In case of questions, contact Gijsbert Rutten (g.j.rutten@hum.leidenuniv.nl). 


  • Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL)
  • Historical Sociolinguistics Research and Training program (FWO-Flanders)
  • University of Agder
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