Universiteit Leiden

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Conference to celebrate 40th anniversary of eLaw

Wednesday 2 April 2025
Leiden Law School and the Academy building

On 2 April 2025, eLaw  Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University will celebrate its 40th anniversary as the oldest digital law department in the Netherlands and the second in Europe. To mark the occasion, eLaw will host a conference with prominent speakers from academia and public institutions.

The event will host the Hans Franken-lecture with Marietje Schaake, a roundtable about the history and role of digital law departments in Europe, and different thematic panels on the topics of law, digital platforms, AI regulation, vulnerability, and human-machine interactions, in which eLaw scholars will discuss their research with international colleagues of different seniority and from diverse disciplines. The event will be held in Leiden Law School and the Academy building.


  • 10:20 - Welcome, Bart Custers, 
    Telders Auditorium, Academic Building.
  • 10:25 - Logistics about the conference, Gianclaudio Malgieri.
  • 10:30 – The future of digital law research
    Mutual Lightning interviews
    Topic 1 – Socio-legal Robotics
    Animated by Dr. Eduard Fosch Villaronga, eLaw, Leiden University
    Topic 2 – Vulnerability and human rights in the digital market
    Animated by Dr. Gianclaudio Malgieri, eLaw, Leiden University
    Topic 3 – Governance of Artificial Intelligence
    Animated by Dr. Francien Dechesne, eLaw, Leiden University
  • 12:00 - Lunch 
  • 13:15 – Roundtable: “The Role of Digital Law Departments in the Law School” 
    Moderator: Prof. Dr. Simone van der Hof, eLaw, Leiden University
    Prof. dr. Natali Helberger, IVIR, Universiteit van Amsterdam
    Prof. dr. Esther Keymolen, TILT, Tilburg Universiteit
    Prof. dr. Paul De Hert, LSTS, Vrije Universiteit Brussel|
    Prof. mr. Arno Lodder, Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute, VU Amsterdam
    Prof.mr.dr.ir. Bart Custers, eLaw, Leiden University
  • 14:45 Walk to Kamerlingh Onnes Building and coffee break
  • 15:30–Hans Franken-lecture, Marietje Schaake, Stanford University
    Kamerlingh Onnes Building, Lorentzzaal
  • 17:00 – Drinks

Registrations for the conference are now open, untill March 15, at this link.
For more information, elaw@law.leidenuniv.nl  

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