Universiteit Leiden

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Memory in Antiquity Workshop

Thursday 27 March 2025 - Friday 28 March 2025
Kamerlingh Onnes Building & National Museum of Antiquities

Birmingham-Leiden Strategic Collaboration Fund: Memory in Antiquity

This workshop is part of the Birmingham-Leiden Strategic Collaboration Fund recently awarded to Dr Leire Olabarria (University of Birmingham) and Dr Miriam Müller (Leiden University, LIAS/NINO). Their project, Memory in Antiquity, seeks to create a research group to explore the uses and meanings of memory in ancient cultures of the Mediterranean and the Near East. It capitalises on the broad interest in memory in the humanities and social sciences and provides a forum for researchers to reflect on the processes of remembering and forgetting, how these are identifiable in the ancient sources, and what role they play in the construction of ideas about the past. Related to contemporary experiences such as migration, this project speaks to various audiences and will translate the lessons from the past into an engaged dialogue about the future.

Upcoming event: On 24 and 25 April 2025, the group will meet at the University of Birmingham to explore material and linguistic aspects of the process of forgetting.

Leiden Workshop: 27 & 28 March 2025

Ten workshop participants from Birmingham, Leiden, the Netherlands and Egypt will engage around the concept of remembering. Iconographic representations and the construction of lived experience in ritual landscapes all provide productive case studies to illustrate approaches to this topic.


Thursday, March 27th
Leiden University, Faculty of Law, Kamerling Onnes Building (KOG), A0.08

14.00-14.15 Introduction
14.15-15.15 Memory makers, memory breakers: The politics of cultural memory - Nour Munawar, University of Amsterdam (keynote)
15.15-16.00 Coffee break
16.15-16.30 An ongoing investment: Collective remembrance and added burials at Tomb QH25/26 at Qubbet al-Hawā’ - Reuben Hutchinson-Wong, University of Birmingham
16.30-17.00 Memory, embodiment, and genealogies of place: Constructing spaces of memory at SaqqaraLeire Olabarria, University of Birmingham
17.00-18.30 Reception

Friday, March 28th
National Museum of Antiquities, Nehalenniazaal, second floor

10.15-10.45 Building family histories at Tell el-Dab’a/Avaris: Migrant memories of a faraway past - Miriam Müller, Leiden University
10.45-11.15 Serabit el-Khadim as a memorial of the ancient Egyptian missions - Sherouk Shehada, Helwan University
11.15-12.00 Coffee break
12.00-13.00 Museum tour for speakers
13.00-14.00 Lunch break for speakers
14.00-14.45 Belonging to the land: Cultivation, curation, and memoryDiana Spencer, University of Birmingham

Discussion with short presentations:

  1. Ancient Egyptian tomb-graffiti - Nico Staring, Leiden University
  2. Royal cult in the Late Bronze Age Mesopotamian periphery: From the Lower Zab to the
    Upper Sea - Albert Planelles, Leiden University
  3. Forgery, memory and resistance - Caroline Waerzeggers, Leiden University
  4. Too close to the sun? Remembering the dead in non-monumental Palmyrene epigraphy
    - Nolke Tasma, Leiden University


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