Universiteit Leiden

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LTP Colloquium "Relevance without impossibilities"

Thursday 13 February 2025
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden

The Leiden University Centre Theoretical Philosophy is pleased to announce a lecture by Dr. Michael De, assistant professor Theoretical Philosophy at Utrecht University.


Dr. Michael De


The idea that impossibilities have an important semantic role to play is becoming widely accepted on various grounds, including grounds of relevance. I argue that this is a mistake, that it has led to various foundational objections to relevance logic, and that these objections are avoidable given a semantics that clearly distinguishes two types of conditional or inferential fallacies, namely, those concerning truth preservation from those concerning a relation between content or subject matter. I argue that we should avoid the use of impossibilities in favor of a coarse-grained notion of content, and argue for the benefits of such an approach.

All are welcome!

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