Universiteit Leiden

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Symposium: A Dutch Perspective on Mycobacterial Infections

Monday 24 March 2025
Gorlaeus Gebouw
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden


On the 24th of March 2025, World TB day, we organize a symposium to connect the Dutch scientific community working on mycobacterial infections. We will cover all aspects of tuberculous or non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections with topics ranging from basic science to drug development, vaccines, diagnostics, clinical treatment and societal impact.

The symposium is sponsored by MycobacteriumXLa Leiden-Amsterdam-Nijmegen research consortium funded by the NWO-XL program, and by LiBTC, the Leiden interdisciplinary TB consortium.

Organizers: Annemarie Meijer (IBL), Matthias Barz (LACDR), and Simone Joosten (LUMC).

Do you work on Mycobacteria in the Netherlands and are you interested to join the symposium? Registration is open until March 1st, 2025.

Register now!



09:30 - 10:00 Walk-in
10:00 - 10:15 Welcome
10:15 - 11:15

Session 1: Host-pathogen Interactions

Chair: Annemarie Meijer (IBL)


Edith Houben (VU): Understanding the mechanisms of protein transport and functional roles of mycobacterial type VII secretion systems

Nicole van der Wel (AMC): Lipid loaded lysosomes in TB, new leads to application

Robin van den Biggelaar (LUMC): In Search of Host-Directed Therapies to Combat Mycobacterial Infections

11:15 - 11:45

Flash Talks:

Paula Niewold (LUMC)                    Elly Van Riet (TBVI)

Puck Pelzer (AMC)                            Pieter van der Velden (RadboudUMC)

Amit Kumar Verma (LUMC)          Ildiko van Rhijn (UU / AMC)

Saloni Saxena (LU)                            Ajit Yadav (LU)

11:45 - 13:15 Lunch and Posters
13:15 - 14:15

Session 2: Development of Drugs, Nanomedicines and Vaccines

Chair: Matthias Barz (LACDR)


Rob Aarnoutse (RadboudUMC): Development of TB drugs: it’s all about concentrations

Matthias Barz (LACDR): Nanomedicines in tuberculosis therapy: From a more specific delivery of antibiotics to combination therapies

Frank Verreck (BPRC): Alternative BCG immunisation strategies in NHP reveal improved pulmonary efficacy and correlates of protective immunity

13:15 - 15:15

Session 3: Clinical Research and Diagnostics

Chair: Simone Joosten (LUMC)


Arjan van Laarhoven (RadboudUMC): Heterogeneity in Tuberculosis

Onno Akkerman (UMCG): Individualised treatment with a holistic approach

Annemieke Geluk (LUMC): Immunodiagnostics for mycobacterial diseases: from peptides to point -of-care

15:15 - 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 - 16:15

Keynote Lecture  - David Russel (Cornell University): Development of host-centric strategies to improve anti-TB therapeutics

16:15 - 17:15

Session 4: Societal Impact

Chair: Tom Ottenhoff (LUMC)


Frank Cobelens (AMC): Asymptomatic TB: evidence and implications for TB elimination

Richard Anthony (RIVM): High resolution genotyping to help understand tuberculosis epidemiology and support therapy in the Netherlands

Paulina Siniatkina (TB Ambassador KNCV): HOW TO END the TaBoo

17:15 - 17:30 Closing Words
17:30 - 18:30 Drinks


A Dutch Perspective on Mycobacterial Infections
A Dutch Perspective on Mycobacterial Infections
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