Universiteit Leiden

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Conference | Workshop

OCP Workshop on Vowel Harmony

Tuesday 4 February 2025
Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden

This one-day workshop is part of the Old world Conference on Phonology organized by the University of Amsterdam. 

The programme is available here, along with instructions on how to get to the workshop venue and dining recommendations.

Invited speakers


Download the programme here.

9:00– Registration
09:15–09:20 Opening remarks

First invited speaker

Chaired by: Bert Botma

Harry van der Hulst (University of Connecticut)

Transparency and opacity in vowel harmony

10:10–10:40 Coffee break

Session 1

Chaired by: Nancy Kula

10:40-11:10 Clemens Poppe (Waseda University) & Jeroen van de Weijer (Shenzhen University)  The representation of neutral vowels in Korean and Turkish: a dependency-based perspective
11:10-11:40 Mehmet Can Dadan (Boğaziçi University), Alper Canberk Balcı, Furkan Dikmen (Université Côte d’Azur) &
Stefano Canalis (Boğaziçi University) Syllabic harmony in Turkish.
11:40-12:10 Joshua Sims (Indiana University) Khalkha Mongolian RTR harmony and ATR palatalization in ultrasound imaging.
12:10-13:10 Lunch

Second invited speaker

Chaired by: Benjamin Storme

Alexander Martin (University of Groningen)

Probing substantively biased learning: The test case of vowel harmony versus disharmony


Session 2

Chaired by: Clemens Poppe


András Cser (HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics / Pázmány Péter Catholic University), Beatrix Oszkó (HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics / University of Novi Sad) & Zsuzsa Várnai (HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics) The phonological effects of grammaticalization: a case study from Old Hungarian.

14:30–15:00 Deepthi Gopal (Uppsala), Stephen Nichols (Edinburgh), László Károly (Uppsala) & Pavel Iosad (Edinburgh) Length and gradience in Dolgan rounding harmony.
15:00–15:30 Stefano Canalis (Boğaziçi University), Penbenur Yücel (University of Helsinki) & Mehmet Can Dadan (Boğaziçi University) Vowel harmony and vowel neutralization in Kayseri Turkish.

Coffee break


Session 3

Chaired by: Benjamin Storme


Jarry Chia-Wei Chuang (University of Connecticut) Locality of vowel harmony in Igbo.

16:30–17:00 Alan Avdagić (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg) Vowel harmony and stress in Old Assyrian.
17:00–17:30 Péter Rebrus (HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics / Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest), Péter Szigetvári (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest) & Miklós Törkenczy (HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics / Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest) Morphology causing nonuniformity in Hungarian backness harmony.
17:30 Closing remarks by Nancy Kula



If you have questions, please send an email to ocp2025workshop@hum.leidenuniv.nl.

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