Universiteit Leiden

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Reedijk Symposium 2024: Assembling fluorescent dyes into molecular and nano-probes for biosensing and bioimaging

Friday 22 November 2024
Lecture Hall
Einsteinweg 57
2333 CC Leiden


Andrey Klymchenko obtained his PhD degree in 2003 from Kyiv National University. He worked as post-doctoral fellow in the University of Strasbourg and Catholic University of Leuven. Then, he joined CNRS in 2006, received CNRS Bronze Medal in 2010 and was promoted to Director of Research in 2014. In 2015, he obtained ERC consolidator grant BrightSens to work on fluorescent nanoparticles for ultrasensitive detection of cancer markers. In 2021, he received Prix du Dr et de Mme Henri Labbé from French Academy of Sciences and he was elected a member of Academia Europaea. He is a leader of “Nanochemistry and Bioimaging” group. His research interests include functional fluorescent molecules and nanomaterials for biosensing, imaging and in vitro diagnostics. He is a co-founder of a start-up BrightSens Diagnostics focused on molecular in vitro diagnostics based on fluorescent nanoparticles and AstraNICE dedicated to fluorescent biomaterials for image-guided surgery. He is a co-author of over 270 peer-reviewed articles and 12 patents.

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