Universiteit Leiden

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Conference | Knowledge Café

Higher Education Knowledge Café: 'Interdisciplinary Education'

Friday 11 October 2024
Langegracht 70
Grand Café Midi


A lot of higher education programmes include multi-, inter-, or transdisciplinary learning. These ways of learning enable collaboration between students from different disciplines and provide students with skills to solve contemporary wicked problems.

What can you expect?

Available educational research provides various suggestions for the design of interdisciplinary teaching, learning activities, and related learning outcomes. In collaboration with Leiden Teachers’ Academy and Young Academy Leiden, Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON) organises a knowledge café to share findings from the education research literature and practices within our own university.

  • 3:15pm: Walk-in and coffee, tea
  • 3:30pm: Welcome
  • 3:35pm: Thought-provoking interdisciplinary thinking
  • 3:45pm: Cognitive processing
  • 3:55pm: Case YAL - Michiel Veldhuis
  • 4:05pm: Conversation in groups
  • 4:20pm: Case LTA -  Hanne Cuykens
  • 4:30pm: Conversation in groups
  • 4:45pm: Plenary merge
  • 4:55pm: Finalising
  • 5pm: Drinks

For whom?

IAnyone who works or studies at Leiden University and is interested in research into higher education. If you are curious about what educational research can mean for your own (teaching) practice, you are more than welcome, whatever function or role you have.

Working language: English


Come to the Higher Education Knowledge Café to exchange ideas with fellow lecturers, students, educational support staff and policymakers based on insights from scientific research. 

Participation in the knowledge café is free of charge. We ask the participants to participate in the discussions, so that we can make optimal use of all available expertise.


Register before Friday, October 5. There is a maximum of 50 participants.

Registration form

The Higher Education Knowledge Cafés summarised

  • Interaction: Share your experiences, provide input and get inspired. We will have a plenary discussion and talk in small groups.
  • Input from experts: Academics from Leiden University who are involved in research into higher education share scientific insights on a topic of interest.
  • New topics: Propose a topic for the next Higher Education Knowledge Café.
  • Drinks: Take time to share your insights with others.
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