Universiteit Leiden

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Medieval Fragmentology and the Fragmented Old English Glossed N-Psalter

Wednesday 4 September 2024 - Thursday 5 September 2024
Regionaal Archief Alkmaar
Bergerweg 1
1815AC Alkmaar

Two-day conference co-organised by Leiden University and the University of Warsaw

Fragmentology, the study of medieval fragments, is increasingly gaining academic attention. Inherently interdisciplinary, this scholarly field brings together experts from different backgrounds, ranging from (book) historians to palaeographers, linguists, literary scholars, philologists and experts on material aspects of the fragments. Questions raised include how to identify individual fragments as coming from the same manuscript; how to (digitally) reconstruct such a manuscript if fragments are found in different collections; and how best to preserve and catalogue fragments in existing collections. This conferences hopes to answer some of these general questions, as well as focus on a specific case study: the eleventh-century ‘N-Psalter’ and its dispersed fragments from Cambridge, Haarlem, Sondershausen, and the newly found ones from Elbląg and Alkmaar.

Keynote lectures by Jane Toswell (University of Western Ontario) and William Duba (University of Fribourg; Fragmentarium)

Monika Opalińska, University of Warsaw
Thijs Porck, Leiden University



A programme is available here: 


For Research MA and PhD students of the National Research School for Medieval Studies (Onderzoeksschool Mediëvistiek) [or other National Research Schools], the  programme includes a fragmentology workshop. Participating students will be rewarded 1 ECTS for participation at the conference and workshop, with the possibility of gaining another 1 ECTS to write a short reflection essay + a description of a fragment – for a total of 2 ECTS in its entirety. The essay and fragment descriptions will be graded by Thijs Porck. 

Registration closed

Registration is now closed. Please contact Thijs Porck for the possibility of late registration.

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