Universiteit Leiden

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Alumni event

CBAC & MCBIM Reunion for PhD students and Postdocs

Saturday 28 September 2024
Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Central hall, CM.1.26, Faculty bar De Fusie

At the beginning of April this year, the second phase of the new Faculty of Science Gorlaeus Building was completed and is now in full use. This new building comprises 5 wings of 5 floors, and replaces the Gorlaeus Laboratories high-rise building from 1966 and the LCP (practicals building) from 1964.

The group at the time – CBAC – used the high-rise building from November 1979 to October 2009, and then the new group MCBIM was housed here until the move in 2016. The first phase of the new building began in 2012. The start of the demolition of LCP was at the end of 2017, and the start of the demolition of the high-rise was in 2019. Now that the steel structure of the old high-rise is being transformed into a bicycle parking, it is time to hold a reunion, and on that occasion also to visit the completely new Gorlaeus.

In November 2024 it will be 45 years since CBAC started, and it will also be 15 years after the retirement of Jan Reedijk. In 2005 we had our first CBAC reunion with an outdoor day followed by dinner in Kasteel Oud-Poelgeest. So it is time for another reunion, and the opening of the new Gorlaeus Building is a wonderful occasion. 

Group members of CBAC or MCBIM who worked with us for about a year or more in the high-rise building in the period from 1979 onwards are particularly invited, but also the PhD students and postdocs who have already partly worked in the first part of the new building with Lies, Sylvestre or Dennis are welcome. Unfortunately, because of the limited capacity of the lecture room, we cannot invite people who were part of our group for only a limited time.



Reception and coffee/tea
central hall Gorlaeus Building

11:45 Welcome by Prof. Marcellus Ubbink, Scientific Director of the LIC (also reunionist)
Prof. Sylvestre Bonnet (about current research in the group)
one or two short lecture(s) of former postdocs/PhDs

lecture room CM.1.26
13:00 Lunch
central hall Gorlaeus Building
14:00 Short lecture(s) by former PhD students/postdocs
lecture room CM.1.26
14:45 Guided tours by CDL students
Gorlaeus Building
16:00 Closing drinks
De Fusie

Details and Logistics

The costs for coffee/tea and lunch (€20) must be paid in advance, on a bank account for which you will receive details after registration. The costs for the drinks – served in faculty bar De Fusie - are for your own account (pin payment only). We pay for the first drink.

We no longer have an up-to-date email address for many people. So we hope that those reading this will forward the message and/or repost it on social media.

For those arriving by car: Directly opposite the round Gorlaeus lecture hall building is a new parking garage "Ehrenfest", address:
Emmy Noetherweg 2333 BK Leiden (rate: €2.15 per hour; maximum €20 per day)


You can only register for the reunion via the link provided below. Via the link in the banner on the right you can see who has already registered.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you on 28 September!
Sylvestre Bonnet, Lies Bouwman, Dennis Hetterscheid, Jan Reedijk, Yvonne Snellenberg

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