Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden Workshop on Creole Languages (WoCL)

Wednesday 22 May 2024
see below

We are pleased to announce the Leiden Workshop on Creole Languages (WoCL), which will be held at Leiden University on May 22, 2024.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers who share an interest in the study of creole languages. We invite abstracts that investigate empirical data from any field (syntax, semantics, phonology, morphology, sociolinguistics). Priority will be given to papers which adopt a comparative approach. This includes comparisons among creole languages, as well as comparisons of creoles with other languages, related or unrelated. The workshop will be followed by the Leiden/Bielefeld Workshop on Comparative Syntax (LeiBieCos), which takes place in at Leiden University on May 23 and 24. In case you are interested to submit to both workshops, you can find their call for papers here.

Each talk lasts 20 minutes and is followed by 10 minutes of discussion.

Keynote speaker

The keynote speaker is Marlyse Baptista, University of Pennsylvania.

Read the abstract here



Keynote (Vrieshof 2 0.04)

Chaired by: Jenny Doetjes

Marlyse Baptista (University of Pennsylvania)

On the hybridity of functional categories in Creole emergence:
An empirical and experimental approach.

10:00-10:15 Coffee break

Session 1: Phonology of Creole languages (Vrieshof 2 0.04)

Chaired by: Benjamin Storme

10:15-10:45 Emmett Strickland (MoDyCo Laboratory, Paris Nanterre University) & Anne Lacheret-Dujour (MoDyCo Laboratory, Paris Nanterre University). A quantitative approach to Nigerian Pidgin prosody: revisiting tonal analyses.
10:45-11:15 Carlos Silva (University of Porto) & Steven Moran (University of Miami/University of Neufchâtel). Stability of manner and place of articulation in the formation of Portuguese-based creole.

Coffee break


Session 2: Syntax of Creole languages (Vrieshof 2 0.04)

Chaired by: Anne Zribi-Hertz
11:30-12:00 Fabiola Henri (University at Buffalo), Jose Perez (University at Buffalo) & Adrian Rodriguez-Ricelli (University at Buffalo). Revisiting Creole Inflection: Tense and Aspect in Guadeloupean and Cape-Verdean Creoles.
12:00-12:30 Viviane Déprez (Rutgers University). Can there be Agree(-ment) in Creole Negative Concord?

Lunch break + online poster session (Vrieshof 4 – Kantine)


Session 3: French lexifier creoles at the interfaces of morphology, syntax and semantics (Huizinga 0.06)

Chaired by: Stéphane Térosier

13:45-14:15 Erin Karnatz (University at Buffalo). Investigating ‘benefactive-applicative’ SVCs in Guadeloupean Creole.

Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (UMR 7023 – Stuctures formelles du langage, CNRS & U. Paris 8). The semantics of causative constructions in Haitian Creole.

14:45-15:15 Junior Pierre Eden Février (University at Buffalo). Derivational opacity of DE- prefixation in Haitian and Guadeloupean Creoles.

Anne Zribi-Hertz (SFL, CNRS/University Paris 8) & Loïc Jean-Louis (GRGC). Towards a three-way DP-split? Evidence from Martinique Creole.


Coffee break


Session 4: Language contact and typology (Huizinga 0.06)

Chaired by: Patricia Cabredo Hofherr

16:00-16:30 Lara Rüter (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) & Ingo Plag (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf). Assessing different quantitative approaches to measuring the similarity between languages: The case of creoles and non-creoles.

Chiara Ardoino (Queen Mary University of London). Discreteness in a Creole-Standard continuum? A perceptual and attitudinal approach to the ‘named languages' debate.


Drinks & business meeting (Reuvensplaats common room)



Download the programme here.

Travel and transport

Leiden is easily accessible by public transport. Within Leiden, most destinations are at a walking distance. Here are some options about how to arrive in Leiden.

Amsterdam Schiphol Airport is the largest Dutch airport offering great transport links to Leiden and the rest of the Netherlands. You can easily take the train, catch a bus, rent a car or have someone collect you. Schiphol Station is located directly below the airport. It only takes a couple of minutes to walk from Arrivals to Schiphol Plaza, where you can take the stairs, escalator or lift down to the platforms. The airport is easy to reach and offers excellent parking facilities. You can also rent a car. Book the vehicle of your choice online or at one of the car rental desks in Arrivals 3.

The airport has an underground railway station with frequent services to Leiden (as final destination, or en route to The Hague/Den Haag, Rotterdam, or Vlissingen). The train journey from the airport to Leiden takes 15-20 minutes. You can book you train ticket in advance via the website of the Dutch Railways and depart c. every 10 minutes.

Taxi fares from Schiphol to Leiden are ~€90. You are strongly advised only to take a taxi from the official taxi stands.

Rotterdam The Hague Airport is the regional airport for the Rotterdam-The Hague metropolitan region. The airport offers direct flights to 50 European destinations.

Bus 33 takes you to Rotterdam Centraal Station from where you can take a train to Leiden Centraal. The trip takes about 65 minutes. Taxi fares from Rotterdam The Hague airport to Leiden are ~€90.

Eindhoven Airport is the second biggest airport in the Netherlands with more than 80 (European) travel destinations.

Take bus 400 or 401 to Eindhoven Centraal Station. From Eindhoven Centraal you can travel to Leiden Centraal, by changing trains at Schiphol or Utrecht Centraal. The trip takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes. 

Leiden is located between the A4 and A44 highways and easily accessible by car. If you are going by car to the center of Leiden, you can reserve a parking space with a discount in advance. Choose the date, time and length of your visit in advance. The longer you visit, the higher your discount. You can book & park at the parking garages Lammermarkt, Garenmarkt and Morspoort.

Leiden is easy to reach by public transport. The bus station is right in front of Leiden Central Station and there are many routes serving the city and the region. The Faculty of Humanities is a 10-minute walk from the train station. Alternatively you could take bus 1 from the train station and get off at 'Paterstraat', or bus 5 or 6 and get off at 'Noordeinde'. 

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