Universiteit Leiden

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Philosophy Workshop Gender Marginalization in the classroom

Wednesday 29 May 2024


Gender marginalization in classroom. Workshop intended for Institute for Philosophy students and staff

Are women's and men's experiences of studying philosophy similar? Do they experience the classroom in the same way? Is there space for other forms of gender diversity in class? Do people still experience gender-based forms of marginalization which makes it difficult for them to participate fully? According to recent studies, the polarization of gender expectations has increased rapidly in the past few years: is this development also visible in philosophy classes? All of us know that philosophy should be equally welcoming to all, and all of us strive to realize this aim – but sometimes it is not easy to recognize gender-based marginalization correctly. It is also not always easy to know how to react to such phenomena and how to remedy them.

We are inviting all interested students and staff members, both women, men, and people who identify differently, to a workshop on the question of gender in classroom. We would like to make potentially problematic situations visible and look for solutions together. We would also like to see what already works well and where we should be collectively more attentive. We do not invite external specialists to explain the situation, because our own experience makes us the best specialists concerning our own situation. However, to be profitable for the community, the experience needs to be shared.

The workshop will consist in three short presentations, along with group discussions in which the themes of the presentations are discussed.


  1. Welcome (Susanna Lindberg, Academic Director) (5 minutes)
  2. Presentation by students: Women in classroom; experiences of gender-related marginalization in the classroom (15 minutes)
  3. Discussion in groups (mixing students and staff)
  4. Presentation by Dr. Rozemund Uljée: Pedagogical answers (15 minutes)
  5. Discussion in groups (mixing students and staff)
  6. Presentation by dr. Catharine Diehl: feminizing and diversifying the canon (15 minutes)
  7. Discussion in groups (mixing students and staff)

Google form question:

In order to prepare the presentations and the group discussions, we will collect experiences of gender-based marginalization in classroom that you would like to discuss.

Please find attached the QR code that leads you to the link of the form: viewform
Registration: c.w.sombroek@phil.leidenuniv.nl 

QR code for the survey
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