Universiteit Leiden

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De Novo Cyclic Peptides: A RaPID Approach to Chemical Tool Development

Friday 15 March 2024
Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden

Louise Walport is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London and a Group Leader at the Francis Crick Institute. She obtained her doctorate working with Prof. Chris Schofield and Prof. Christina Redfield and performed postdoctoral work with Prof. Hiroaki Suga. She established her independent group in late 2018, where she is interested in understanding enzyme-catalysed post-translational modifications and developing new approaches to probe these with cyclic peptide-based tools.

In this talk, she will discuss recent work from her group to identify chemical probes with diverse functions against PADI4, an arginine deiminase linked to the development of autoimmunity, cancer, atherosclerosis and age-related tissue fibrosis. She will then go on to discuss results from a recent project to expand the RaPID target scope by screening proteins in a lysate context.

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