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CPP Colloquium "Legitimate disobedience and epistemic humility"

Thursday 1 February 2024
CPP Colloquia 2023-2024


The Centre of Political Philosophy is pleased to announce a lecture by Pierre Etienne Vandamme from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). 

Dr. Pierre Etienne Vandamme


Epistemic approaches to democracy highlight the epistemic reasons that we have to rely on majority rule to solve our political disagreements. Under some appropriate conditions, majority rule is not only the fairest but also the most reliable way of making collective decisions. Principled disobedience to a democratically enacted law, in contrast, is grounded on the conviction, by the disobedient, that the majority is wrong. The aim of this talk will be to determine when citizens can be confident that their own convictions are more reliable than the democratic procedure, when they can give priority to their own judgment without epistemic arrogance.


About the Center for Political Philosophy (CPP) Colloquia Series

The CPP is a collaboration between the Institute for Philosophy and the Institute for Political Science at Leiden University. Attendance of the Colloquia is free and there is no need to register. See CPP for more information. For further questions please contact dr. Tim Meijers at t.meijers@hum.leidenuniv.nl

All are welcome!

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