Arm or Disarm: The Nexus of International Control Regimes, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation in Times of Geopolitical Tensions
- Ondrej Hajn
- Date
- Monday 19 February 2024
- Time
- Series
- Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research Seminar Series 2024
- Location
Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague - Room
- 2.60
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About the event
Proliferation of conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction, as well as high-priority and dual-use items have been in the spotlight for quite some time. With the growing and shifting geopolitical tensions of the last decade, these topics have also gained deeper strategic importance and have been perceived by many states as foreign policy priority. Influencing the existing conventions, fora, and policies to suit their own interests has become a longstanding goal of many powerful international actors, while the possible erosion of the multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation architecture has worried diplomats and experts alike.
In his lecture, Ondrej Hajn will present the differences between Disarmament, Non-Proliferation, and International Control Regimes, and shed some light on how these fields interact with each other. He will elaborate on the associated challenges, and offer the Czech perspective, including the latest experiences and views. The lecture will pose a critical question of why it is vital to sustain the international control regimes, disarmament, and non-proliferation architecture.

About the speaker
Ondrej Hajn serves as a diplomat within the Control Policy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. In his work, he is focusing primarily on the non-proliferation of the weapons of mass destruction, as well as on disarmament, and the associated international control regimes.
Mr. Hajn’s previous experience includes among others the European External Action Service, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers or the Austrian Federal Chancellery.
He holds an advanced MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy from the Leiden University and the Clingendael Institute, and has previously studied law at the University of Vienna and international security at the Charles University in Prague. He also previously graduated from the Czech Diplomatic Academy.
About the seminars
The Diplomacy and Global Affairs (DGA) Research Seminar is a series launched by the Research Group on Diplomacy and Global Affairs at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs. The seminars of internationally acknowledged guest researchers and faculty members deal with current research topics in diplomacy, international relations, global affairs, and political economy broadly conceived and target a broad audience through their interdisciplinary focus.
If you have any questions, please contact Arash Pourebrahimi.