Universiteit Leiden

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LTP Lecture “Practical Assurance”

Thursday 2 November 2023
Past events 2023 - 2024
Pieterskerkhof 6
2311 SR Leiden

The Leiden University Centre Theoretical Philosophy is pleased to announce a lecture by Dr. Rachel Fraser, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Michael Cohen Fellow in Philosophy, Exeter College.

Dr. Rachel Fraser (Oxford)


Sometimes, we make promises against the evidence: we promise to F when our evidence suggests that it is unlikely that we will successfully F. Such promises present a puzzle: it seems that they must either be insincere or reckless. But such promises — like a promise to remain faithful to a partner — also seem like valuable and ineradicable parts of human social life. Call this the puzzle of promising against the evidence. I consider some extant solution to the puzzle. I argue that they are inadequate, and develop a novel solution to the puzzle.

Attendance at the lectures is free, and there is no need to register. For further questions, please contact Dr. Catharine Diehl at c.e.diehl@phil.leidenuniv.nl

All are welcome!

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