Writer Judith Visser and psychology students on the literature of autism
- Judith Visser
- Juliette Groenendijk
- Jip Weve
- Susanne Goddijn
- Marc Molendijk
- Date
- Thursday 12 October 2023
- Time
- Location
- Bibliotheek Nieuwstraat
Nieuwstraat 4
2312 KB Leiden
This event will be in Dutch.
About this lecture
At the beginning of the clinical specialization course, students get to pick a book and write an essay relating it to scientific literature. ‘We’ve selected three student’s essays to showcase,’ says Professor Marc Molendijk. The essays are about the novels "Sunday Child" and "Sunday Life" by Judith Visser. Prior to the student’s presentation, the author of the book will have a lecture on her work.
Zondagskind and Zondagsleven by Judith Visser
‘Many students chose to read and analyze Judith Visser’s work’, said Molendijk. ‘ It’s not a surprise given how comprehensively she writes about autism spectrum disorder in "Sunday Child" and "Sunday Life". The students will practice presenting their essays in the weeks to come.’
It’s important to attract a broad public to the lecture. This is why we have reached out to the library BlpusC in Leiden. They along with our goal to share our knowledge with others. Our department has given us a grant, that has allowed us to invite the writer as a guest speaker. The Students will also be compensated. Will this be the new normal? We will wait and see how it goes in the years to come.
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Lecture about science with Judith Visser