Universiteit Leiden

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Environmental Humanities LU: Declutter, disconnect, dismantle! Reflections on degrowth and cultural politics

Friday 2 June 2023
Johan Huizinga
Doelensteeg 16
2311 VL Leiden

The 4th Environmental Humanities LU talk will take place on Friday, June 2, 15:15-17:00 in Huizinga 0.06. Our guest speaker for that day is Miriam Meissner (Maastricht University) who will talk about her work on degrowth:

Declutter, disconnect, dismantle! Reflections on degrowth and cultural politics

Transcending the paradigm of limitless economic growth is an urgent social justice and ecological agenda. This talk discusses how degrowth is different from mainstream approaches to sustainability and addresses common objections to degrowth. In the second part, the lecture seeks to envision what a cultural politics for degrowth might entail. Inspiration is taken from the critical analysis of minimalist lifestyles, performance art and art activism.

About Miriam Meissner

Miriam Meissner is Assistant Professor of Culture and Political Ecology at Maastricht University. Her work examines how contemporary urban, lifestyle and activist culture mediate and politicize macro-economic and -ecological processes and their social repercussions. It seeks to actively contribute to ongoing public debates and social movements in the fields of socio-environmental justice and post-growth.

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