Universiteit Leiden

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Celebration of the Georgian Language Day

Friday 14 April 2023
P.J. Veth
Nonnensteeg 1-3
2311 VJ Leiden

The Day of the Georgian Language marks the events that transpired in 1978 when the Soviet Authorities unsuccessfully attempted to remove official status of Georgian throughout the country. Georgia cherishes the bravery and efforts of those people who stood up against the oppressive regime and protected their language - a core of cultural identity.

Since Leiden is the host of the guest Professor of the Georgian Language, on 14 April there will be an event celebrating the Georgian Language Day. In cooperation with the Georgian Embassy to the Netherlands, there will be a lecture on the Georgian language by the Dutch linguist, Jesse Wichers-Schreur followed by degustation of Georgian cuisine and beverages.


15:15-15:20    Welcome, by Egbert Fortuin, Chair of Russian and Eurasian Studies.

15:20-15:30    Speech by the Ambassador of Georgia in the Netherlands, H.E. David 

15:30-15:45    Brief Presentation on the Events of 14 April 1978 by Huta Salia, Counsellor of the Georgian Embassy.

15:45-16:30    Lecture on the Georgian language by Jesse Wichers-Schreur, Lecturer of Frankfurt University and Leiden University.

16:30-17:15    Georgian Wine and Cuisine degustation @passage of P.J.Veth 1.01.


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