LCCP Working Seminar with Marita Tatari: The “we” and the human condition. Arendt, Jacobi, Nancy.
- Date
- Thursday 16 March 2023
- Time
- Location
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden - Room
- 3.07
Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy is pleased to announce a talk by Marita Tatari.

The “we” and the human condition. Arendt, Jacobi, Nancy.
The western claim to universality is held responsible for (post)colonial blindness and for environmental destruction. Instead of asking what kind of philosophical thinking can do justice to the requirement of non-anthropocentric, or non-colonial politics, the talk argues that it is necessary to take the inverse path and approach philosophy from its borders. It undertakes such a path with Arendt, Jacobi and Nancy.
For Arendt the Western claim to universality results from a cultural event: the coming to the fore of the human condition. Furthermore, Arendt claims, history is the story of events. At stake in her notion of the event is an understanding of causality, which is surprisingly close to that of Jacobi in his critical engagement with Spinoza. Crucial for both, Arendt and Jacobi, is the simultaneity of co-appearance. This unsublatable contemporaneity of “me” and “you”, I argue, is the object also of Nancy’s last book Cruor. I will try to explain the turn Nancy gives in this book to causality and how he reads the history of western civilization in its light. Where are “we” today?
Marita Tatari (University of fine Arts, Braunschweig) is Associate Professor of philosophy at the University of Patras, Greece. She earned her PhD at the University of Marc Bloch in Strasbourg with Jean-Luc Nancy and her habilitation at the Ruhr University Bochum. She was a Feodor-Lynen Fellow of the Humboldt Foundation at UC Berkeley and at the ZfL Berlin. She has taught at the Humboldt University Berlin, the University of the Arts in Berlin, and at the Universities of Basel, Bochum, Dresden, Leipzig, and Kreta. She was a deputy Professor of contemporary aesthetics at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart. Among her publications are the books: Kunstwerk als Handlung–Transformationen von Ausstellung und Teilnahme, Fink 2017; Orte des Unermesslichen–Theater nach der Geschichtsteleologie (ed.), diaphanes 2014; Heidegger et Rilke – Interprétation et partage de la poésie, L’Harmattan 2013; Thinking With – Jean-Luc Nancy, ed. together with Susanna Lindberg and Artemy Magun, diaphanes 2023; Ästhetische Universalität – Vom fortbestehenden Wir, Metzler (forthcoming); Hannah Arendt und die Weltlichkeit der Künste, ed. together with Anne Eusterschulte and Judith Siegmund, Metzler (forthcoming).
All are welcome!