Universiteit Leiden

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LCCP Working Seminar with Johan de Jong: "What is continental Philosophy?"

Thursday 17 November 2022
LCCP work in progress and research seminar 2022 - 2023
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden

What is continental philosophy? A discussion.

The label "continental" philosophy has always been contentious. Rather than presenting a paper as per usual, in this meeting we invite everyone to participate in an open discussion about the sense and non-sense, the virtues and the limitations of the notion "continental" philosophy. The discussion will be opened by Johan de Jong, who will present some of the main ideas found in the literature about the philosophical meaning and the institutional reality of the term, as well as present his own (broadly methodological) view.

The seminar is open to all.

The seminar program is available on centre for continental philosophy. If you want to participate, you can either send a mail to s.e.lindberg@phil.leidenuniv.nl or subscribe to the mailing list of LCCP, at the foot of the LCCP webpage.

Dr. Johan de Jong
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