Universiteit Leiden

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Lecture | Leiden Dialectology Workshop series 2022

Introduction to Dialectometry

Wednesday 23 November 2022
Leiden Dialectology Workshop Series 2022
P.J. Veth
Nonnensteeg 1-3
2311 VJ Leiden

As dialectologists, we want to understand the relationship between different dialects in an area (dialect classification). By looking at one feature, we can use isoglosses to delineate dialect boundaries on a map. However, when we look at more features, the boundary becomes blurry. It is not easy for humans to process a large amount of isoglosses on a map, nor processing the degree of dialect differences by inspecting a list of dialect data (e.g. the data extracted in Workshop 3). Processing a large amount of data is not a problem for dialectometry. Dialectometry is a branch of dialectology which calculates dialect distances using computational methods and visualizes their relationships using cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling, which are then projected on a map. You don’t have to know programming languages to do this, since these methods are already implemented on Gabmap, an online application for dialectometry. This workshop will first go through the ideas behind dialectometry, then we will all try out Gabmap and run a dialectometric analysis together.

If you are interested in joining the workshop, please sign up using the form below.

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