Universiteit Leiden

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Arts and culture | Concert

Concert Practicum Musicae students

Thursday 24 March 2022
Entrance is free

On Thursday 24 March, our Practicum Musicae students will give a concert in the Lokhorst church in Leiden!
Practicum Musicae is a combined programme for students at Leiden University with musical aspirations. They can fill in their entire minor space with lessons at the Royal Conservatoire, and in this way, in addition to their academic education, also follow a partial music course.

Every last Thursday of the month there is a concert by these students in the Lokhorst church.
The concert starts at 5:00 PM and lasts one hour. These concerts are free and you do not need to book.
Leiden students are taught by the best (inter)national teachers and can thus bring their musical talents to fruition. We welcome you to come and listen at the Lokhorst church!


Concerts 2022

The Practicum Musicae students will also give a concert in the Lokhorst church on Thursday 28 April.

----> Summer concert in the new Amare building in The Hague on June 19, 2022. 

More information will follow soon!

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