Online search
Heritage Quest citizen scientists conduct research in two ways: online and in the field. Online, from their own home, they inspect elevation maps for traces of archaeological heritage.
Research from home
The investigation of elevation maps is conducted at home via the computer. This is made possible by the international citizen science platform Zooniverse (project Heritage Quest).
Participants are shown small snippets of the elevation model (300 x 300 m) and are asked to mark archaeological structures, like burial mounds, Celtic fields, charcoal kilns and cart tracks (see image below). The maps are shown to several participants before they are retired. In this way a reliable sample is attained based on the 'wisdom of the crowd' principle. By the huge participation of the public a much larger area can be investigated than by archaeologists alone.

Discussion platform
Beside the search tool and background information, the website also incorporates a bi-lingual talk section. Here participants can ask questions and discuss maps and finds with fellow citizen scientists and archaeologists. This discussion platform is also used to exchange interesting articles, archaeological themed walks and occasionally meetings are arranged.