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Diversity and Inclusion

The Diversity and Inclusion domain consists of a three-day masterclass on Inclusive Leadership for Depolarisation (English). There are also Dutch courses on Diversity & Inclusion at the Centre for Professional Learning.

English Diversity and Inclusion course

Masterclass: Inclusive Leadership for Depolarisation (English)
Inclusive leaders contribute to organisations where individuals feel welcome and where they can be themselves. Polarisation is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. It is characterised by black-and-white thinking, reducing the multiplicity of social differences to a few dimensions of 'we vs them' thinking.

Learn more about this masterclass

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Diversity and Inclusion courses

Diversity and Inclusion Course
Are you looking for evidence-based methods to improve diversity and inclusion within your organisation? Are you looking for evidence-based methods to improve diversity and inclusion within your organisation? 

Masterclass Inclusive Communication
Inclusive communication is essential in a diverse society. In a society where people of different backgrounds, cultures and abilities come together, it is essential to embrace communication where everyone is seen. 

Please look at our Dutch page for more information.

Custom and incompany D&I courses

Are you interested in a custom or incompany D&I course in English? Please contact our programme leader Dr. Kate Kirk.

For advice or questions about our courses please email: learning@fgga.leidenuniv.nl 

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